On Friday, April 26, PacifiCorp and the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) announced that PacifiCorp is the first entity to sign an implementation agreement with CAISO for its Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM). EDAM is scheduled to go into operation on May 1, 2026.
MCG Energy will be integrated with EDAM on the day it opens to enable MCG customers to participate on day one.
PacifiCorp is a grid operator based in Portland with customers in California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. PacifiCorp already participates in CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM). In December 2022, it was the first operator to announce its intent to join EDAM.
About joining EDAM, PacifiCorp’s CEO Cindy Crane said “A modern, coordinated day-ahead market in the West is vital to optimizing the region’s energy resources so we can continue to provide reliable and affordable power to our 2 million electricity customers across six states.”
EDAM will build on WEIM’s real-time market by expanding to day-ahead commitments.
PacifiCorp plans to begin participating in EDAM in spring 2026.
Other entities that have expressed their interest in joining EDAM so far include the Balancing Authority of Northern California, Portland General Electric, and Los Angeles Department of Water & Power. Idaho Power has also indicated the possibility that it will be joining EDAM.
What Can EDAM Do for You?
Contact MCG Energy today to learn how EDAM can benefit you.
David Peterson, Ph.D. is the content specialist for MCG Energy Solutions.