MCG Energy will host our 2023 Users Group Conference in person at the beautiful Embassy Suites San Antonio Riverwalk Downtown in San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 17th and 18th. We are excited to share this day-and-a-half event with you with no registration or attendance fees.
The conference will bring together users of MCG Energy’s products from across the U.S. and Canada. This fully independent and member-driven group will have the opportunity to meet, discuss, and provide feedback and direction on the day-to-day operation and the future of your MCG applications. You will also learn how other organizations in the energy industry are addressing business challenges.
There will be a general session and several breakout workshops covering the following topics:
Register Here for the 2023 MCG Energy Users Conference!
Things to Do and See in San Antonio
MCG Energy has arranged for a block of rooms at a very special rate of $219 per night for Monday, October 16th & Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 at the Embassy Suites San Antonio Riverwalk Downtown.
Participants are responsible for their hotel costs and travel costs.
Early reservations are strongly recommended, given the high demand in the area.
Conference registration and hotel reservations must be made by September 5, 2023.
For call-in reservations please call 1-800-362-2779 and reference your group booking. Please be sure to reference the codes below in order to receive the special hotel rate:
You can also book your reservation online with the group rate:
Book Your Reservation at the Conference Rate
Email Us to Book Your Reservation at the Government Rate